21 Life Lessons to Help You Survive a Break Up
- Love & Sex
- Mar 10, 2016
There aren’t many good things to say about breakups. They’re sad, unfortunate times in our lives. Still, without these tough experiences with people we once thought we loved, we wouldn’t know what it’s like when we find the real thing. Break ups teach us about ourself and about other people. You learn about what you want, what you need, and what you want your perfect match to be like. While you’re going through the heartbreak, these little life lessons help remind us why we’re going through this hard times.
1. I Miss You:
“I miss you” a few weeks after a breakup really means “I tried to find a better girl but I couldn’t.”
Don’t fall for the “I miss you” card. Maybe he really does, but he’s the one that broke up with you, it might be more likely he misses your body or just the idea of you. Be careful and tread lightly.
2. Blinders:
“When a relationship ends, it’s easy to only focus on the good parts. Remember to take off the blinders.”
When you miss someone or something, it’s natural to only remember the things that made you happy. When you’re struggling, make a list of all the things you hated about him and all the things that were wrong with your relationship. You’ll regain perspective soon.
3. The Ex:
“An EX should stay an EX. They’re an EXample of false love and an EXplanation for why you deserve better.”
Learn from your past relationships and find out what you want and need out of your future relationship. There is always a reason someone becomes your ex, and usually, that reason will happen again.
4. Regret:
“Never regret anybody in your life, because good people give us happiness and bad people give us experience. Both are essentials in life.”
Every bad experience in life helps us grow and be stronger. Accept those experiences and know that they made you who you are today. Weed negative people out of your life and you will be more positive each day.
5. Revenge:
“The best revenge is just moving on and getting over it. Don’t give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.”
People always used to tell me, “kill them with kindness.” When you’re angry or hurt, the best revenge is just to move on and be your best self. Be kind and decent to those who hurt you, and it will likely hurt them even more.
6. People:
“There are 6.97 billion people in the world. Why let one ruin your life?”
Don’t let one person ruin your life! Remove negative people and influences from your life and surround yourself with positive ones instead. There are too many great people in this world to waste your time with ones that bring you down.
7. Don’t Chase:
“Don’t chase anyone. If someone is going to walk out of your life, hold the door wide open!”
Don’t chase after someone who’s left you. Trying to convince someone who doesn’t want to be with you they shouldn’t feel that way rarely works out in the end.
8. Letting Go:
“The hardest part about letting go is finally realizing there wasn’t much left to hold onto.”
Once you get to the point where you realize there’s not much left to hold onto, you’ll finally be able to totally let go.
9. Cut Him Off:
“Cut him off. Let him miss you”
Are you getting over an ex? Fighting with your boyfriend over the same things over and over? Cut him off completely! Don’t give him access to you and he’ll surely begin to miss you. You always want what you can’t have. Maybe then he’ll realize his mistakes.
10. Strength:
“I don’t want to see you anymore; I’m just not that strong. I love it when you’re here, but I’m better when you’re gone.”
When you know it’s better not to see him anymore, cut him off completely. You may want to see him still, but if you’re head (and friends!) is telling you you’re better off without him, you are. It will give you time to heal and soon enough you won’t miss him anymore.
11. Used Toys:
“I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else because my parents taught me to always give my used toys to the less fortunate.”
Always remember that he’s your EX for a reason. Don’t get jealous he’s with someone else. Instead, remember all those reasons why you’re not with him anymore and be happy someone else is the one dealing with him now.
12. Good Enough:
“Often you think when you’re rejected that you’re not good enough, but the truth is they weren’t ready for all you have to offer.”
Don’t let rejection get you down. It doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a job — if they rejected you it never would have been the right fit anyway.
13. Crying:
“People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.”
Sometimes you need a good cry. I mean one of those body shaking, uncontrollable cries that consumes you completely. This isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s an expression of your feelings and when done by yourself can be incredibly theraputic.
14. The Right Man:
“The right man will love all the things about you that the wrong man was intimidated by.”
Never stop searching for the right man! He’s out there, and he’s going to be the one who loves all your flaws, strengths, and quirks. Don’t stay with a man who is intimidated by how great you are.
15. Good Days:
“Sometimes you need those bad days, to help you appreciate the good ones.”
Not every day is going to be a good one. Truly good days should be appreciated and savored. Forget the bad ones and know that tomorrow is a new day.
16. Your EX:
“EX means: Thank you for the EXperience. Our time has EXpired. Now EXit my life.”
Yes! This is what EX means. Keep it that way. He’s your ex for a reason.
17. What Really Hurts:
“Love doesn’t hurt. Lying, cheating, and screwing with people’s feelings and emotions hurts.”
If your relationship starts to hurt, it’s not love anymore. If you’re getting lied to, cheated on, or someone is screwing with your emotions, get out now. Find a love that feels amazing instead.
18. Crazy:
“No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys.”
It’s true! Don’t let someone annoy you, just walk away. There are lots of ways to avoid annoyance, so don’t provoke or tolerate the one that’s driving you crazy. Instead, just take away the keys. A guy doesn’t have permission to make you go crazy.
19. Strength:
“You can break down a woman temporarily, but a real woman will always pick up the pieces, rebuild herself and come back stronger than ever.”
We must work every day to become a strong, woman. It’s hard to be the woman that can bounce back and carry on, but it’s worth the struggle.
20. Who You Need:
“No girl should ever forget that she doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her.” -Marilyn Monroe
Don’t waste your time with people who don’t make time for you. Only make someone a priority if they always make you one. Otherwise, the relationship isn’t worth your time.
21. Big Mistake:
“You were never a waste of time. You were a harsh realization that I could do better. Your first mistake was leaving me. The second mistake was giving me the chance to realize I could live without you.”
There’s nothing like learning from a bad relationship. It can tell you what you want and how not to make mistakes in the future. So, no, that ex wasn’t a waste of time. He was a learning experience.