50 Things Men Do That Turn Women Off
- Love & Sex
- Mar 14, 2016
Men don’t always mean to annoy us, but every once in awhile their actions just grind our gears. Here’s a list (in no particular order) of things we’d really rather not experience… Yes, we know that we annoy them at times, too! But, just for fun — we asked our readers what men do that drive them nuts. Here’s what we found out… Let us know what we missed!
- Being a belligerent drunk.
- Bad teeth.
- Bad breath.
- Lacking ambition.
- Being too sensitive.
- Not being sensitive enough.
- Dancing on us without our permission. Ew, bye.
- Wearing bedazzled, too-tight shirts and/or jeans. See: Affliction, Ed Hardy.
- Being too possessive or clingy. Women like a little bit of the chase, too.
- Constantly asking us if we’re in a bad mood because of our period. Hint: The answer will always be “no.”
- Dressing sloppily.
- Hating on our girlfriends. (And don’t you dare make us choose.)
- Paying us too many compliments.
- Obeying the “three day rule” when waiting to call us… I’m sorry, but who are you again?
- Constantly being on your phone, especially if we’re on a date.
- Spending more time with your favorite sports team than with us.
- Compulsively cleaning your car, shoes, etc.
- Spending too much time in front of the mirror… I’m sure your hair looks fine.
- Being an extreme mama’s boy. We’d like to feel like we’re the number one woman in your life every once in awhile.
- Not getting along with our families.
- Too much cologne. (Or just enough bad cologne.)
- Acting differently around your guy friends than you do with us.
- Selfishness.
- When you stop doing the little things.
- Talking about your ex.
- Bad manners. Hold a door and we will take note of it, I promise.
- Adjusting your privates in public.
- Picking us up in a car full of trash.
- Being a horrible texter. Please don’t “K” us or send one-word texts and then expect a response.
- Not liking our pets.
- Moving too quickly.
- Leaving the toilet seat up.
- Owning a man purse or any variation of the sort.
- Having pictures of naked women on your walls. And lots of ‘em.
- Taking cheesy pick up lines seriously.
- Thinking every bodily function is absolutely hysterical.
- Driving like an asshole.
- Questioning our beauty and fashion purchases. Trust us, we need this.
- Getting annoyed when we take time to get ready and/or call us high maintenance. Most of the time, we’re doing this for you.
- Not even attempting to hide the fact that you still watch porn.
- Selective listening.
- Leaving beard hair and other clippings in the bathroom.
- Blatantly checking out other girls. Could you at least try to be subtle?
- Not being able to take a joke or laugh at yourself.
- Saying “I don’t care” when asking for your opinion. For the love of all that is good, please pick a restaurant.
- Always being late.
- Negativity.
- Obsessing over the gym.
- Using pet names. Every. Single. Time.
- Asking for our advice when you really don’t want it.
Got any turn offs we left out? Share below!